Light Sussex Chicken Breeding

Light Sussex Chickens are very appealing fowls to almost all poultry fanatics. This is because they are dual purpose birds who are bred for both their meat and their eggs.
They have snow white feathers with a black perimeter that is found on their neck hackles. They also have black throughout their primary and secondary wing feathers along with a black tail.
The Light Sussex is a heritage breed that originates from Sussex, England and are classed as a soft feather heavy fowl.
They’re quite stocky birds that don’t fly well so flying out of a coop or over a fence is a rare problem.
If you’re looking for a stunning fowl easy on the eye along with the benefits of both egg and meat production the Sussex is the breed for you.

Light Sussex Cockerels & Cock Birds
Our Sussex males are around 5kg in weight and in some cases come closer to the 6kg mark when fully matured.
The males can be quite aggressive, particularly when breeding season comes along and they’re penned up with the girls.

Light Sussex Hens & Pullets
Our females are very placid birds and usually grow up to 4kgs in weight, sometimes slightly more.
They’re great layers and lay a medium size tinted colour egg and produce around 200 to 250 eggs per year.