Premium Backyard & Exhibition-Quality Chickens

We are dedicated to breeding a variety of backyard and exhibition-quality chickens, hatching healthy, well-raised birds year-round. Whether you're after friendly backyard laying hens or show-stopping champions, we work hard to ensure every chook thrives in its new home.

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Poultry for Every Stage

We offer a variety of backyard and exhibition poultry breeds at different ages to cater to various poultry-keeping needs.

  • Day-Old Chicks

    Available upon request. Purchasing day-old chicks will require a warm, controlled environment with a heat source in order for chicks to thrive. It gives you the opportunity to raise them from the very beginning and watch them grow.

  • Sexed Juveniles, Pullets & Cockerels

    We offer sexed juvenile birds aged 8-12 weeks old or sexed pullets and cockerels aged 12-18 weeks old. Perfect for those looking for young birds with guaranteed gender.

  • Point-of-Lay Hens & Roosters

    Point-of-Lay hens aged 18+ weeks old are ready to start laying eggs soon, perfect for those wanting fresh eggs without the wait. Roosters are also available for those looking to breed or add a guardian to their flock.

Our Commitment to Quality

At The Poodle and The Hen, we believe that happy, healthy birds make the best backyard companions and exhibition-quality chickens. That's why we are committed to:

  • Feeding our chickens a high-protein, nutrient-rich diet with our premium-quality feed.
  • Free-ranging all our birds, giving them plenty of space to roam and the opportunity to enjoy fresh green grass daily, allowing them to develop naturally.
  • Regularly treating for worms and lice to ensure they arrive at their new homes in peak condition.
  • Prioritising overall welfare with high standards of hygiene and care to guarantee robust, disease-free poultry.

Breeds We Offer

We specialise in a diverse range of chicken and poultry breeds to suit various needs, whether you're looking for the best backyard egg layers, quiet, family friendly backyard chickens, or exhibition-quality birds.

Our available breeds include:



    Our White and Mixed Colour Leghorns are one of the best egg-laying chickens for backyards and our personal favourite show birds.

    Explore Breed 

    Light Sussex

    A popular heritage poultry breed that make great dual-purpose backyard & exhibition birds.

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  • Australorps

    One of the best backyard chicken breeds for beginners and known for high egg production.

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  • Plymouth Rock (Barred Rock)

    A dual-purpose backyard breed with a calm disposition, great for backyard beginners who want to raise meat chickens and get eggs.

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  • Rhode Island Reds

    Hardy, reliable layers and one of the best backyard chickens for eggs and meat.

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  • Silkies

    Friendly, fluffy, and perfect for pets or showing. Silkie chickens are always in demand!

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  • Mixed Crossbreeds

    Unique backyard layer combinations offering a range of characteristics.

  • Emden Goose

    Emden/Embden Geese

    Large, hardy geese known for their meat production and protective instincts.

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  • Muscovy duck at The Poodle and The Hen farm

    Muscovy Ducks

    These relatively quiet geese make great table birds and excellent surrogate mothers.

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  • Pekin ducks at The Poodle and The Hen farm

    Pekin Ducks

    Fast-growing dual-purpose birds that make great pets.

    Explore Breed 

Transport & Collection

We are happy to accommodate customers who arrange for an animal courier to collect their birds. Alternatively, we also offer local delivery and pick-up options, so feel free to check with us regarding availability.

Why Choose Us?

With a passion for poultry and years of experience as chicken breeders, we take pride in raising robust and well-socialised chickens. Whether you're starting your backyard flock, searching for the best backyard chicken breeds for eggs, or looking for a show-quality bird, you can trust that our chickens are healthy, well-cared for, and ready to thrive in their new environment.

Get in touch today to find the perfect addition to your flock!