White Leghorn Chicken Breeding

Leghorn chickens are a Mediterranean breed of fowl that originated in Italy. They’re classed as a soft feather light fowl that are very common in Australia as both poultry exhibition and backyard flocks.
Leghorns are generally quite hardy birds suitable for most climates however can struggle in extreme heat and due to the size of their combs, frost bite can also be an issue in freezing conditions.
They can be used as a dual purpose bird as they are great layers and are good meat especially when crossed with other big chicken breeds like Sussex and Indian game.
Leghorns have good size wings that allow them to fly quite well, especially when they’re younger and not completely filled out. This means they can be quite flighty and are able to fly up trees or over fences without much trouble at all. When handled regularly they are very tame placid birds.
Leghorn chickens love to forage and free range on fresh green grass that also serves as a great snack for them along with bugs, worms and weeds.
All the Leghorns at The Poodle and The Hen farm are white and have bright red to orange eyes, yellow legs, big red combs and white lobes.
Leghorns are one of our favorite breeds and we highly recommend them to almost all chicken lovers but especially those who are looking for quality, large white eggs.

White Leghorn Cockerels & Cock Birds
White Leghorn roosters in particular are gorgeous birds that are quite tall with beautiful big tails. They can however be quite noisy having a very loud crow that not all Neighbours appreciate.
Our White Leghorn cockerels are quite big chickens that can grow to over 4kg.

White Leghorn Hens & Pullets
White Leghorn hens are fantastic layer chickens that don’t often go broody and generally have high fertility rates which makes them an easy fowl to breed.
They lay a large white egg and in their prime produce around 250 eggs per year.
They start laying at around 24 weeks of age and can continue to lay up until 6-7 years of age when properly cared for. Egg numbers do decline as the years go on, with hens producing the best egg numbers in the first 3 years.
Our females here at The Poodle and The Hen farm grow to around 3-3.5kg when fully matured.